About Us

CV SEMBADA operating since 2012, located in Sobontoro, Tambakboyo, Tuban, 62353 , East Java, Indonesia.
The main business focuses on processing and export of Frozen Fish to international market. Processed product of Frozen Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Cephalopods, Shrimp, Slipper Lobster and Shrimp.​
In a month we export more than 30 containers to overseas. Processed raw materials are taken from traditional and modern fishermen from Western Indonesia to Eastern Indonesia and around the Java Sea.


Committed to be the best fishery product processing industry in Indonesia in terms of quality and able to compete in the international market.


Participate in creating jobs and increasing the competitiveness of fishery product exports Provide quality and good service to buyers Improve high product quality in the global market Increase the added value of the product The best in maintaining high quality and product standards and implementing a professional work system

Our Value

Prioritize health and safety in the work environment Prioritize professionalism to improve customer satisfaction Increase more innovation to win the competition in business Place integrity above all else Carry out and maintain the trust of our business partners
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